Simplify My Meds

Simplify My Meds
Would you rather just make one trip to the pharmacy to pick up your medications? Our Simplify My Meds program is a great way to make your life easier and simple!
Enrolling in this program will allow you to get all your chronic medications at one time each month or every two to three months depending on your personal preferences and what your personal insurance will allow. If you need refills, we will contact your physician for you ahead of time to ensure you have what you need, when you need it.
How do I Enroll?
Just call 620-342-1242, stop into the pharmacy, or send us a message, and tell us you want to make life simple by being on the Simplify My Meds Program! It is quick and easy to enroll, and one of our trained and dedicated staff will work with you one-on-one to get the process going. When starting out, often times your medications may come due at different times of the month. The first thing we will do is sync them all up to the same time of the month. This may mean some partial quantities need to be filled in order to do so. Our staff will work with you and your physician to determine what you have left and when and what needs filled to get them all synced up.
What’s the process after I am all synced up?
Once we have you all lined up, you just have to take your medications as prescribed to ensure you are getting the most out of your medications and are achieving optimal health. It’s very important you let us know if a medication changes or you are no longer taking something. The rest is up to us and once a month (or every 60-90 days, if you prefer) you will get a phone call from us indicating we are about to start filling your medications. If you have medication changes or questions, you can speak with one of our staff to confirm everything. Once your medication list is confirmed, we begin filling your prescriptions 5 days ahead of when you need them, so we have plenty of time to get refills from your doctor and order anything we may not have in stock. Once everything is ready, a member of our staff will contact you to let you everything is ready to be picked up. If you prefer to have your prescriptions delivered or mailed, we would be happy to do so.